Sunday, 23 December 2007


Okay, it isn't really the reason i hate Christmas. The only reason i hate Christmas is how commercial it has become. and i really don't believe that is what Christmas should be about. I reckon what Christmas should always be about FAMILY!!!

But i suppose if you like do your Christmas shopping TOGETHER, or you decorate your tree TOGETHER, or go caroling TOGETHER. Then i guess it doesn't really matter.


Sazzleberry said...

Agreed, I love the togetherness about christmas. But christmas shopping is also good because it feels so good giving things to people. yay! <3

Miranda said...

Hmm... I think... (there's a first time for everything) that no matter how commercial it gets Christmas is whatever you want it to be. As long as everyone's happy, that's all that matters. However i do think it's lame that all these atheists are butting in on our celebration of Jesus' birth and making it so commercial in the first place. WTF is all i have to say to that :P

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