Friday, 30 May 2008


Hey I just thought i would share that i had a pretty good day today. I got my Chemistry results and i got 43/46. 2nd highest in the class. So that was good. Then in Physics we did some questions which i got all right, then we discussed the experiment conducted the day before. What it was, was that you had to get a flask of water (100mL) then hook a light bulb up to a power source, then shove the light bulb in the water, stick a thermometer into the water as well, then turn the bulb on. Every body did that. The whole idea was to figure out how much heat energy was coming out compared to how much was going in, and if anybody out there has done Physic, one of the energy notes is that "you can't create energy, it is transfered."

Anyway, were i am going with this is that the energy (in J) going in was about 5000 odd J. The energy that was coming out was 6000 odd J. Thats not possible. And that just in heat energy. Light energy hasn't been put in this equation. Spaz and I (after we had finished our Maths test which was the lesson after Physics (I think i did well, Well i finished it )) decided to head back to the Physics lab to do some research with the teacher. That was near the end of the 6th lesson. 7th lesson was study and we ended up still being in the Physics lab, doing more research. We figured out, by the figures obtained yesterday, that Spaz's light bulb was 113% efficient in heat. Nothing adds up. Any body with any suggestions, please talk to me about it. We need help.

Any way, when i got home i had to clean because it is my brother's birthday party tomorrow. He was 19 last Monday. So yeah. Then I did more of a certain something that will be given to a certain someone on a certain day. LOL

Sorry about all my rambling about Physics. and if you made it to the end with out getting bored and closing my blog, then congratulations.

Have a great weekend. Catchya later. Who knows i might see you tomorrow.


Jewelz said...

I made it to the end!!! :P
Sounds like an interesting day.
Hope tomorrow's even better.

Miranda said...

Wow, I totally skipped over all the stuff about science :P

I'm happy you like it, but to me, science is sooooooooo boring. Go English! English and art! And drama! But mostly English! Specifically, creative writing! I'm going to be a Publishing Editor <3

Anyways, say Happy Birthday to wiggyface for me ^^

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