Tuesday, 13 May 2008

WANNA KNOW SOMETHIGN FUNNY??? (don't laugh Saz (lol))

I was just looking at my friend's (Miranda) blog, and she has this list titled, "You Know You're Bored When...." And i was reading through it when i remembered that i had actually done one of the things on the list.
The list is as follows:
  • You type in 'staplers' in the Google search engine
  • You try to count how many hairs you have... on your head
  • You become intensely interested in your fingernails
  • You consider the financial impact hair loss can have on whales
  • You contemplate the life cycle of a unicorn
So I thought I would share with you what I actually did.

Peace out

1 comment:

Miranda said...

I is famous!! :P I think it's a very nice stapler collection you have there, Ash ^^ So, are you weird enough to have done any of the other things on the list...? Lol!

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