Wednesday, 13 July 2011
I've just had one of those days, but yet, I don't know why I felt like that or how to get out of it. I just kept myself busy so it really wouldn't catch up with me. I helped my boyfriend with the shopping, helped with dinner, cleaned his bedroom, sorted washing as well as folding clothes, sorted out bags that were in his bedroom, put the shopping away, and cleaned his cupboard in the kitchen. I've just kept myself busy. I'm really tired, really sore, but yet I can't relax.
I'm writing this blog now so I have something to do and to keep my brain going. I can't stop, I don't want everything to catch up to me. I hate this feeling but yet I don't know how to prevent it or to get rid of it. I just don't get where it has come from.
I give up. I'm going to crawl into bed and just take what's coming, because it's going to come no matter what.
Night xx
Wednesday, 1 December 2010
Tonight is the Night - Prologue
This is my turning point, where I look back and ask, " where did it all go wrong?". However, I went down and never again, surfaced.
Wednesday, 20 October 2010
Tuesday, 12 October 2010
Sunday, 9 November 2008
Unknown For Now
Her legs and arms were tied to the bed. I left her mouth un-gagged. She had to learn not to scream. She simply had to answer my question.
I climbed next to her on the bed, grabbed her hair away from her face, and pulled so I could reach her ear. I moved my head down so I was next to her ear and breathed slowly.
“How does this feel against your skin?” I whispered as I moved the metal against her skin.
She was hesitant; she hadn’t expected me to say that. She hadn’t thought I would talk.
“It…..feels…,” she mumbled scared.
I didn’t want that answer. My temper was building. She was supposed to answer differently. I thought she was different to the others.
Monday, 13 October 2008
????? Prologue
Tragedy. The fire blazed and licked up the walls.
Screams. Piercing the air. I felt so helpless. Glued to the spot. Wanting to help, but not able to move.
Sirens. Racing down the road toward the house.
I didn't know what to do. If I stayed, they'd have found me and finished me off, just like my friends. If I had called for help, that could have also been trouble. I didn't know who worked for who. They could have been one of them. I can't trust anyone.
So, I had to do what I thought best. I had to run.
I wasn't glued to the spot anymore. The fire no longer held me there. The sirens had stopped and only the lights still flashed. I could no longer hear the screaming, the terror loud in their voices. I had to leave. I couldn't stay any longer.
I turned my back on my past and that house, out to make a new future. Hopefully.
I ran.
Sunday, 12 October 2008
His name is IKE!!!!
I think its cute. Anyway. Just thought I would share and i am going now. Love ya
Wednesday, 8 October 2008
But I still don't have a name for it yet. If you have any suggestions please don't be afraid to comment. I really don't no what to name this little ...umm.....guy.....umm.....girl........umm robot lol.
SO here are some pics.

Love ya xoxo
Monday, 6 October 2008
Sunday, 5 October 2008
Okay, I'll get down to the teasing.
Just wanted to share.
Love you Saz and Koala.
Wednesday, 1 October 2008
Well, a few weekends ago was pedal prix. I headed down there with my school for the whole weekend. The girls came 204 (we did good) and the guys came 54 (stupid guys).
Then the Monday, which was the day after, was my birthday. lol. 17!!. I went to school with bright orange wings on. They were so cool. I got heaps of birthday messages lol.
Then that night my brother came home for my birthday and I also had my mates family over.
Oh i forgot to say up there, that my brother left home, like two weeks ago tomorrow.
Anyway, umm, i had my birthday party last weekend. That was heaps of fun. Lots of people. Omg, my cake was amazing, it was done by the Cheesecake shop in Muno Para, or Elizabeth. (they own both, my friends).
I have no idea what else to add.
Oh, i had a girls day yesterday. Me, Saz, Spaz, and Koala. Me and Saz cooked pancakes. It was wikid. Love you girls. We are so so so doing it again, but maybe bigger.
Oh, i just thought i would share with you, well the two people i know that do read my blog, that i finally wrote a STORY!!! Well actually its just the prologue. But still.
You should check it out, my girls.
Anyway, totally boring blog post. Love ya all
Friday, 12 September 2008
10 DAYS!!!
Pretty sure everyone is getting sick of my counting down.
But now I can count using my fingers.
Just thought I would share.
So lifes pretty craptastic at the moment.
A lost a new friend today.
Didnt know her too well, but she was really really cool.
Today was her last day.
Then in a few weeks, another one of my friends is going.
Arrghh, everyone is leaving me.
I dont want to think who is next, I really dont.
So production is tonight. I have seen it like three times but it changes everytime. There is 216 possible endings. I got it right last night though, so I was happy about that. Even though i got in trouble for playing the game.
Being front of house is actually quite fun. Me and Saz rock. lol. Only bad part about front of house is when everyone turns up at once.
Anyway. Ten days until my birthday. Finally gonna be 17. I've waited a whole year for this. Lol. Nah not really. It's only a birthday. I'm just happy I get to see my family and friends. Plus Luisa is coming back just for my birthday. I was like AWW. Lol
Anyway, better go. I feel sick so yeah. Hopefully getting an early birthday present tomorrow. Yay. My new phone. lol
Anyway. Bye bye. Love ya
Friday, 5 September 2008
Thoughts of You..
And how you've changed me
Fill my mind
Without You where would I be
So even though I've tried to express my thanks
It never comes out how I hoped
I want to say so much more so with these simple words
I'll try
I love You
My heart is Yours, only Yours
I long to give You all of me
My everything, my everything
God I never could repay You
You gave everything
Without You where would I be
You still loved me even when I
Pushed You away
You stood there and waited
Till the day I'd return
So even though I've tried to express my thanks
It never comes out
I want to say so much more so with these simple words
I'll try
I love You
My heart is Yours, only Yours, Jesus
I want to give You all of me
I love You
My heart is Yours, only Yours
I long to give You all of me
My everything, my everything
Thoughts of You
And how You've changed me
Fill my mind
Monday, 1 September 2008
Yes that is the time.
I am copying Saz with her layout.
I'm so bored.
She is so cool.
Yes that Sazzleberry of mine.
Oh and we cant forget my fluffy Koala.
I am kinda hypo.
Listening to music liek really loudly in the music room
Was listening to Nine in the Afternoon, but am now listening to White Houses.
Bye. So bored
Sunday, 31 August 2008
Anyway, this is a song that James showed me and he wants to learn to play it and he asked me if i want to sing it. I might............if he is lucky. lol
Love ya. Here is John Mayer with In Your Atmosphere.
Wednesday, 13 August 2008
Also had a maths test today. I think i did really well. :) SO thats good.
GTG lots to do. Love ya
Friday, 8 August 2008
Last Saturday, I went to the movies with Koala, Saz and Serebear. We went and saw "WANTED." It was awesome. It wasnt like all the other action movies, it was pretty good. Sunday i spent the whole day with James. We just talked and stuff. It was really good.
SO for the past two weeks i have been suffering from a really bad case of writers block. I havent been able to write anything, including my assignments or blogd, Hence why i didnt do my chem or blog. lol.
I'm tryin to write a poem as well for this poetry contest but i keep blanking out. I have one i just need another.
Talk soon. Bye
Thursday, 31 July 2008
And when i think liek that i like feel happy for a second and then i think like but that was everything to me and all of this sort of stufff and it goes round in a circle again, from me being happy to sad. And i hate the fact that this person feels bad for hurting me. Everytime they say that, i got like worked up in myself thinking, you told me the truth, and least you hurt me doing that than lying, and like this is part of life, people get hurt, you cant help that sometimes. You just need to be gently and careful with the person you hurt.
I just hate all of this, you have no idea how confused i am right now. Its just like, what the hell is happening. Especially when you go from rainbows to rain and thunder. (sorry see told you i am confused. My brain isnt working properly). Anyway i should go.
Monday, 28 July 2008
Saturday, 26 July 2008
Anyway, just a quick post to say Thnak you to everyone thta has faith in me and thinks I will do great. Thanks for those that hve read over my talk and love it. Thnaks for every single person that has said, you'll do great, and good luck. Thank you so much.
Love ya lots.
Thursday, 24 July 2008
Now I just have to make sure I am ready for the interview part. That i know all there is to know about NYSF as well as all the courses and stuff I am interested in. Major stressed out. I just want someone as well to help me, well I have one of my teachers helping me with the talk, like making sure it does make sense, but i want someone to help me with the interview, like ask me fake questions to do with the topic. AHH major stressing out happening here.
Stress, Stress, Stress, Stress, Stress, Stress, Stress, Stress, Stress, Stress, Stress, Stress, Stress, Stress, Stress, Stress, Stress, Stress, Stress, Stress, Stress, Stress, Stress, Stress, Stress, Stress, Stress, Stress, Stress, Stress, Stress, Stress, Stress, Stress, Stress, Stress, Stress, Stress, Stress, Stress, Stress, Stress, Stress, Stress, Stress, Stress, Stress, Stress, Stress, Stress, Stress, Stress, Stress, Stress, Stress, Stress, Stress, Stress, Stress, Stress, Stress, Stress, Stress, Stress, Stress, Stress, Stress, Stress, Stress, Stress, Stress!
My Bad :$
Anyway, I should go and stress somewhere else. I was talking to one of my teachers yesterday, and he had asked whether I had already had my interview, i replied saying no, its this Sunday, and that I was worried and stressing. He said, you don't need to stress or worry. You went in with nothing, if you don't get through, you will come out with the experience of entering this, and the knowledge from you interviews and stuff. If you get in, you gain the experience of the interview process as well as the actual forum. You don't need to stress.
I liked that but, I am still stressing. I think I need a hug. :(. I could get a hug from my brother, but nah, I'm okay. My mum is watching a video and my dad has gone out. No one really to give me a hug :(
Peace out xox
Wednesday, 23 July 2008
Almost two months ago, I registered for The National Youth Science Forum. This is a 12 day trip to Canberra to do with science, engineering, and IT. So, I gave my application forum, plus a letter, to my principle who is a member of the Kapunda Rotary Club for the Rotary to look over and think about whether they would like to tinterview me.
About a month ago, i received a letter from my principle stating that, two other members from Rotary, plus himself, would like to interview me. I was so nervous. I was getting tips from everyone about how to look confident and to just be myself and to keep smiling. :D. I went to the interview extremly nervous, to tell you the truth. I did smile lots nd laugh abit, but at the end of the day, i wasn't really being myself, thats something i will work on, but i still feel i did quite okay.
The next morning after our first meeting in ABW, my teacher, and hour after school had started, told me that she had a letter for me. She had no idea that i had actually been waiting all morning for it. My principle had said the previous day, after the interview, that he will contact me the following day with my results. I ran outside to open the letter because i didnt want to seem excited in front of my friends, just to find out that i didn't get to the next stage. One of my best mates, Saz, also ran out with me. My hands were actually shaking as i open the envelope. I GOT TO THE NEXT STAGE! I was so excited. My principle wanted to see me about stuff that i could improve on before my next interview.
A couple of days later, i actually received a phone call from NYSF asking if i was free that Sunday for my next interview. I was so not ready, and i was busy, so i was un-able to attend that interview. They said, thats okay and that they will send me a timetable of when my interview would be.
The reason i am telling you this today, is because i actually got my email this afternoon, telling me that my interview is this Sunday, 1:30-3:30pm. When i read it, i was excited because i finally got it, i had been checking my emails everyday, wondering when i wuld get it. But i was also nervous because i read what would be happening. I'm semi nervous about the individual interview, i'm not really nervous about the group activities, but i am really nervous about the 3 minute talk on anything i choose, that i have to prepare. I dont no what to talk about.
Anyway, i should go. I need to research for my talk. A suggestionn was put forwards about talking about chocolate. I like chocolate :$ lol.
Anyway, its 5:10am and i should go. Bye bye
Thursday, 10 July 2008
B+*Australian Studies.
So i did okay at least. Better than last time. I have no C's this time. lol
Peace out.
Ps. I have been on a massive download spree for songs. If you have any ideas on what i should download, please let me no. Thanks

No matter how many problems.
No matter how much sadness.
No matter what.
Love is worth it.
The smiles.
The hugs & kisses.
The feeling that someone cares.
Love overrules everything.
My love is true
It's a matter of fact
Oh, and you love me too
It's as simple as that
Sunday, 29 June 2008
Anyway, enough about my crap. New Semester starts tomorrow. No more procrastinating, and my work will get done. Catch ya later
Wednesday, 25 June 2008
After the first act, which was just after my solo, pretty much everyone back stage wanted to go see their family. I was too nervous to see James because i had screwed up and I didnt want to see him after i had screwed up. Spaz, Koala, and Bree (Chelsea's little sister) were trying to get me inside, then Spaz walked inside to get James outside and i followed in. I wouldnt look him in the eyes because i had screwed up. I was so nervous. I hate screwing up in front of him. I just hate it.
Anyway, talk soon. gottanother blog on another topic
Love ya.
Thursday, 19 June 2008
Bye bye
SO TIRED!!!!!!!
I was up at 2am, doing my Australian Studies report. I still have one more to do plus an english assignment, plus a music assignment and a chemistry write up. I am so over school. Good job it is over tomorrow, and then we have ABW (Australian Business Week). I am over school. Next term i plan on actually doing work instead of procrastinating so much. I just get home and procrastinate. I don't do any of my assignments until they are over due or my teachers are yelling at me because i havent handed them up. SO OVA SCHOOL!!!
At least school holidays are in two weeks. Then i can just stay in bed all holidays and not have to do any school work.
Bye Bye. I will blog tonight at two in the morning because i will be up again.
Tuesday, 17 June 2008
Btw, if anyone knows a good thread that can sew someone broken back together, please let me know.
Not as easy as you might think. Now copy, forward, or post this and change the answers to yours and pass it on. It’s really hard to only use one word answers.
1. Where is your cell phone? Desk
2. Your significant other? Home
3. Your hair? Brown
4. Your mother? Work.
5. Your father? Doctors.
6. Your favorite thing? Pens.
7. Your dream last night? Weird.
8. Your favorite drink? Fanta.
9. Your dream/goal? Sleep.
10. The room you’re in? Lounge.
11. Your ex? Forgotten
12. Your fear? Spiders.
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Studying.
14. Where were you last night? Home.
15. What you’re not? Tall.
16. Muffins? Chocolate.
17. One of your wish list items? D.
18. Where you grew up? SA/England.
19. The last thing you did? Yawned.
20. What are you wearing? Trackies.
21. Your TV? Off.
22. Your pets? Dont.
23. Your computer? Computer.
24. Your life? BUSY.
25. Your mood? Non-Existent.
26. Missing someone? Yep.
27. Your car? Non-Existent.
28. Something you’re not wearing? Gloves.
29. Favorite store? Anything.
30. Your summer? Missing.
31. Your favorite color? ORANGE.
32. Last time you laughed? Yesterday.
33. Last time you cried? Yesterday.
34. Like(love) someone? Yep
35. Who will re-post this? Dunno.
There you go. Thats a bit about me.
Peace out
Monday, 16 June 2008
Okay, i am over this. Camp was wikid. Saz, Koala, and I had lots of fun. Thursday night we went into Marion shopping centre and had some fun. Just checked out shops for two hours, and even got a piercing. Check this out.
You Are a Cappuccino |
You're fun, outgoing, and you love to try anything new. However, you tend to have strong opinions on what you like. You are a total girly girly at heart - and prefer your coffee with good conversation. You're the type that seems complex to outsiders, but in reality, you are easy to please |
Sunday, 15 June 2008
I wrote this last night. I started writing it about something in particular and some people out there might actually understand what it was originally going to be about, but half way through the meaning to me changed. Tell me what you think. Please leave a comment. I want to know.
Where Were You?
"Where were you when I was ecstatic?
When I was lovesick or even homesick?
Where were you when life was great?
When everything, I could locate?
Where were you when my feelings got messed around?
When I got thrown around then chucked to the ground?
Where were you when I needed you?
Where were you when there were only few?
Where were you when I stood alone?
Whenever I cried on the phone?
Where were you when my pillow became wet?
When I cried myself to sleep, never to forget?
Where were you when the pain was unbearable?
When the hurt was so bad, I had to be careful?
You where there.
You where there through the comfort
You where there through the blissful.
You where there through the hurt.
You where there through the tearful.
You where there, but I never saw you."
Peace Out
Saturday, 14 June 2008
It's sunsets, it's love, it's tears.
It's the thoughts of yesterdays memories,
That can wash away all out fears.
It's that very painful experience,
That each one of us has had.
It's the laughter that fills the air,
It's the tears when you are sad.
It's loving that someone special,
That at one time made you smile.
It's the pain of losing that person,
But the memories that make it worthwhile.
It's that child in every one of us,
Although in time we'll all be old.
It's the good times we'll never forget,
It's the memories we'll always hold.
It's the hug that we all need,
When we'd rather drown in our sorrow.
It's the hope in every one of us,
That makes us hold on for tomorrow"
Tuesday, 10 June 2008
Monday, 9 June 2008
Monday, 2 June 2008
FOR MIRANDA!!!! love
So i thought i would write about camp that is coming up. Next Thursday is our Year 11 camp. I think it is going to be so much fun. To bad Spaz isnt here to enjoy it with Saz, Koala and me. But she is probably having more fun in Bali. Anyway. Saz, Koala and I are going to be totally hypo and just have so much fun just being together and having no teachers breathing down our necks. Well we will just be having fun.
So anyway, that is something to look forward too, but i have to put up with the rest of this week and two days next week of school, before we get a couple of days off.
I got nothin else to say.
Love ya
Friday, 30 May 2008
Anyway, were i am going with this is that the energy (in J) going in was about 5000 odd J. The energy that was coming out was 6000 odd J. Thats not possible. And that just in heat energy. Light energy hasn't been put in this equation. Spaz and I (after we had finished our Maths test which was the lesson after Physics (I think i did well, Well i finished it )) decided to head back to the Physics lab to do some research with the teacher. That was near the end of the 6th lesson. 7th lesson was study and we ended up still being in the Physics lab, doing more research. We figured out, by the figures obtained yesterday, that Spaz's light bulb was 113% efficient in heat. Nothing adds up. Any body with any suggestions, please talk to me about it. We need help.
Any way, when i got home i had to clean because it is my brother's birthday party tomorrow. He was 19 last Monday. So yeah. Then I did more of a certain something that will be given to a certain someone on a certain day. LOL
Sorry about all my rambling about Physics. and if you made it to the end with out getting bored and closing my blog, then congratulations.
Have a great weekend. Catchya later. Who knows i might see you tomorrow.
Wednesday, 28 May 2008
When i read other peoples blogs and hear what they are going through, i feel like i am worrying over nothing. But i guess to me, not having experienced the stuff they are going through, makes me feel like this.
Like i said above, i dont no where i am going with this. I was told by a few people, that i need to talk to someone, but when ever i plan to go talk to someone they aren't here, or the people that have been suggested, it would be kinda hard for me to talk to them, because of a number of reasons.
Anyway, gotta go, gotta clean my room.
Love ya
Friday, 23 May 2008
Tuesday, 20 May 2008
I have had so many people ask me what happened and so many people look and laugh and stuff like that. I am so not happy.
Anyway, at the moment that has been my most stressful thing for today, besides all my homework and stuff I am behind in. Anyway, I am totally over this and I am still majorly stressed.
Catcha later
Monday, 19 May 2008
Like homework, and school and being so behind in my work.
And then there are friend problems. Don't get me wrong, i love that my friends can trust me to keep there secrets and to give them advice, but if every single person comes up to me with some of the massive secrets i have been given, it really does stress me out, having to worry about not only myself but them.
And then, no offense, but there were some boyfriend troubles. Luckily they got sorted out, but ages ago i had a major breakdown because i had a fight with James. For those of you that read my other blog, you know how much James means to me, so when we fight it really does affect me.
And then there are hormones, which make everything look bigger than they already are, and affect me more. So as you can tell, i get stressed easily.
I just thought i would let my feelings out, instead of keeping them bottled inside, because i also know how much that can hurt as well.
Okay i am off to bed. Unfortunately that didn't make me feel much better. Hopefully i can feel better later. Love ya
Tuesday, 13 May 2008
WANNA KNOW SOMETHIGN FUNNY??? (don't laugh Saz (lol))
The list is as follows:
- You type in 'staplers' in the Google search engine
- You try to count how many hairs you have... on your head
- You become intensely interested in your fingernails
- You consider the financial impact hair loss can have on whales
- You contemplate the life cycle of a unicorn

Peace out
Random quiz I stole off Saz
What is under your bed?
What colour is your toothbrush?
Pink and White
Name one person that made you smile today.
What were you doing at 8 am this morning?
I was on the bus
What were you doing 45 minutes ago?
On Netlog
What is your favourite chocolate bar?
Ummmm.......... CHOCOLATE!!
Have you ever been to a strip club?
What is the last thing you said aloud?
Lots of stuff. I never stop talking. LOL :$
What is the best ice cream flavour?
Vanilla Choc Chip
What was the last thing you had to drink?
What are you wearing right now?
A singlet and short shorts
What was the last thing you ate?
A Roll Up
Have you bought any new clothing items this week?
When was the last time you ran?
Like i dont no
The last sporting event you watched?
Sports Day???
Do you go to church every Sunday?
Almost every
Do you have a tan?
In places
Do you like Chinese food over pizza?
I Love Pizza
Do you drink your soda with a straw?
What did your last text message say?
"I Love you" and probably other stuff
Are you someone's best friend?
I think so
What are you doing tomorrow?
School and home work
Where is your dad?
On a Plane
Look to your left, what do you see?
A Guitar
What colour is your watch?
Gold and White
What do you think of when you think of Australia?
What is your birthstone?
Do you go in at a fast food place or just hit the drive thru?
Yeah, i go in
What is your favourite number?
22 and 5
Do you have a dog?
No i dont
Last person you talked to on the phone?
James a couple of mins ago
Have you met anyone famous?
Lots of people
Any plans today?
Actually do some homework
Biggest annoyance in your life right now?
Last song listened to?
Wll i am listening to Untouched and Heaven Candlelight mix
Can you say the alphabet backwards?
Favourite pair of shoes you wear all the time?
My black school shoes, i wear every day and they have cool shoe laces because i did them
Do you love anyone?
Do you eat healthy?
Ummmmmmmm................ next question
What do you usually do during the day?
School or hanging with James :)
What color is your hair?
Friday, 11 April 2008
So i did pretty good.
Catch ya