Sunday, 29 June 2008


A new school semester starts tomorrow. Finally, my school work life can just be started over. I promise to do better this time. I say that at the start of every term, but i am sick of the stress from school. Teachers think we dont have social lives. As well as stresses that they don't know about. I got in trouble from the music teacher one day because, someone close to my friends died and my uncle was having his funeral on the same day, and i started crying, in class. She was like "From now on, keep everything at the door when you come in, i am sick of it." Its not my fault that i got really emotional because two people had died. I was so angry at her. But she semi has a point. I plan on keeping everything at the door from now on. It is going to be really hard.

Anyway, enough about my crap. New Semester starts tomorrow. No more procrastinating, and my work will get done. Catch ya later

1 comment:

xSPUDx said...

nawww -hugs-

stupid teachers : (((

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