Monday, 16 June 2008


Sorry i like haven't blogged before now. Busy getting assignments done by this week (which i haven't done) and also getting ready for exams. Anyway. Last Thursday 43 year 11 students headed off into the big city. Among them where three girls. Ashlea, Saz, Koala. Very hypo girls who love to have fun. They ran around Adelaide trying no to get lost, and just wanted to have some fun.
Okay, i am over this. Camp was wikid. Saz, Koala, and I had lots of fun. Thursday night we went into Marion shopping centre and had some fun. Just checked out shops for two hours, and even got a piercing. Check this out.

Thats my tragus. It so hurt.

We went to the movies that night as well and saw 21. That was a wikid movie. If you wanna check out some pictures, go to my read and check out Miss Sazzle's blog. So yeah that was camp. We ran around again on Friday, then went home. Thats about it.

Catch ya later

1 comment:

Miranda said...

Yay, camp!!! Nice tragus, lol.

You know those word verification things you have to do to post comments? I wonder what qualifications you have to have to get a job making those pictures of random letters every day? lmao!

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